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Saturday, June 19, 2010

The year of the Kings!

King Salmon fishing opened on the 12th in Westport. Weather was poor for the first few days but that has changed. 20+ boats are limiting every fishable day!

Click here to view the daily fish reports.

722 Westport still has 20 nights available this summer during the Salmon season. Check availability and read the reviews on the FLIPKEY link at the top of the page. Once you've discovered our front row condo you won't want to settle for less!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ocean Salmon Opener June 12th

Excitment is building within the Westport community. This Saturday a special King Salmon Fishery opens 7 days a week through the 30th with a two fish limit!
Following the June action, the regular Salmon fishery will open July 4 - September 19 (Sunday through Thursday) or until the quota is exhausted.
You can keep track of the updated action through the Westport Charterboat Assoc. website!
722 Westport still has some dates available. Why pay more when you can stay in the "Best for Less"! Check for availability and get on the calendar. Once you experience our Front Row Condo you will be glad you did!

Monday, June 7, 2010

June Newsletter - Piscatorial Pursuits

Why Westport? Seafood – fresh, varied and abundant seafood at reasonable prices on the dock. The Seafood Connection and Merino’s offer the best of the Pacific Northwest. 722 Westport offers a great kitchen with ocean view and all the tools you need to produce a fabulous meal for family and friends. Pure fresh ocean protein!
Our Property Management Team, Mike and Liz Coverdale will be happy to recommend the best restaurants in the area if your wish is to let a professional prepare!
Are you the adventurous type? Your own boat or a charter will put you into the best conservation oriented sport fishing Washington State can offer. This is the year of the King.
In 2009 we enjoyed an overabundance of Coho (Silvers); large, numerous and delicious. This summer we have a similar forecast for Chinook (Kings).
Click here for the coastal fishery forecast. Click here for Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Sport Fishing Regulations and licensing requirements.
FULL DISCLOSURE - The Grays Harbor Bar is one of the top 5 to respect on the Pacific Coast. Westport Charter Captains are licensed, insured and have the experience to carry passengers over this bar. Taking a small-craft across the Grays Harbor Bar into the ocean requires local knowledge.
Salmon University hosts a vast website of NW fishing knowledge, expert advice and the finest of educational charter fishing trips I know of. Check out their web presence. It’s worth the time!
Privately Owned - Professionally Managed
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