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Vacation Rental by Owner

VRBO - vacation rentals by owner - listing #217853

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Albacore Tuna available in Westport

The albacore tuna showed up really late this year, but now they seem to be here in good numbers. Boats are fishing regularly between the storms and bringing in good catches of fish, so if you plan on buying tuna this year for home canning or dinners, now is the time. You can place an order online at Seafood Connection.net or give us a call at the store. It is possible we might be able to continue fishing for another month, so if you haven\'t got tuna yet, it\'s not too late.
If you already placed an order, Rich is making calls to see if you still want the fish. If he hasn\'t called you yet, feel free to give him a call. The store phone number is 360-268-1328.
As always, 722 Westport is ready to take your reservation for the best Oceanfront property on South Beach!

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